Climate Can’t Wait
Corner of 1st St NE and D Street NW
Washington DC

Storytelling with Saris has joined forces with Moms Clean Air Force and will be leading a Climate Art Action Thursday, May 19 at 4-6 pm near the Senate offices. The address is: corner of 1st St NE and D St NE, Washington DC near Lower Senate Park. Metro: Union Station. Join us for a performance with saris and recitation of climate justice poetry.
Join Moms Clean Air Force and the Climate Action Campaign for a climate art action in support of climate solutions outside of the US Senate Office Buildings! In collaboration with Bangladeshi-American artist and activist Monica Jahan Bose, we will host a climate art action as part of a public art experience from Storytelling with Saris.
Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/climateactioncampaign/event/457362/?referring_vol=180856&rname=Monica×lot=3203060&share_medium=email_link&share_context=email_3