Public art presentation to ANC1C

The art project SWIMMING proposes to hang sari fabric art in the plaza in front of the Marie Reed Elementary School and Marie Reed Aquatic and Recreation Center at 2201 18th St, NW, and 2154 Champlain St, NW, Washington, DC 20009. The saris are massive colorful cotton fabric covered with woodblocks designed by Bose along with writings, art, and poetry by students and community members in Washington DC and Katakhali Village, Bangladesh. The project speaks to the racism behind climate change and access to swimming (and education). The temporary installation will be accompanied by public engagement events, including poetry slams and performances, film screening/projections, and site visits/artist talks. Marie Reed is the former Morgan school (for Black children), which was desegregated along with the Adams school (for White children), giving the name to the Adams Morgan neighborhood. SWIMMING is a visual representation of community building and resilience.
When: The temporary project would be for the duration of seven to ten successive days, in Spring 2024.
Where: The proposed site for the temporary public art project is the plaza area in front of Marie Reed Elementary School and Marie Reed Aquatic and Recreation Center at 2201 18th St, NW, and 2154 Champlain St, NW, Washington, DC 20009.
THE “SWIMMING” PROPOSAL WILL BE PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED AT THE ANC 1C HYBRID PUBLIC MEETING ON JUNE 7, 2023 from 7-9 pm. The in person meeting is at the Adams Morgan Community Center, ground level at The Line DC at Columbia Road, NW. You may also join the meeting here on Zoom App or via Web: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85075682967?pwd=aGQ1bzBrZktZT0JueGZhbmpIZ21IQT09
- Meeting ID: 850 7568 2967
- Passcode: 890562
- Call-in: 301-715-8592 | On Phone: STAR-9 to raise hand; STAR-6 to unmute
- Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/AkzES9NymMw
THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO JOIN AND ASK QUESTIONS AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK. Monica Jahan Bose would like to design the project with the feedback of the community. The project is contingent on receiving grant funding from DCCAH. Contact: monicajahanbose@gmail.com storytellingwithsaris.com @storywithsari