Public presentation of “STRETCH”
The art project STRETCH proposes to stretch sari fabric (temporary) across the building and create a tile mural (permanent) at the exterior of 1724 California St NW, Washington, DC 20009. The saris are massive colorful cotton fabric covered with woodblocks designed by Bose along with writings, art, and poetry by community members in Washington DC and Katakhali Village, Bangladesh. The tile mural would be the dimensions of a sari, 4 ft. x 19 ft. and would be affixed on the alley wall close to California Street. Bose will lead community workshops in DC and Bangladesh to create saris and get feedback on the tile mural. “Stretch” refers to the activities in Mint and across the street at Marie Reed Aquatics and Community Center. “Stretch” also refers to stretching our minds and our boundaries to be inclusive and expansive, dissolving borders and building community.
When: The project would be installed in Summer/Fall 2024. The fabric installation would be for up to two weeks, while the tile mural would remain in place.
Where: The proposed site for the public art project is the exterior front and the alley behind Mint at 1724 California St NW, Washington, DC 20009.
THE “STRETCH” PROPOSAL WILL BE PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED AT THE ANC 1C VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING ON JULY 10, 2024 from 7-9 pm. You may join the meeting here. Join on Zoom App or via Web: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85075682967?pwd=aGQ1bzBrZktZT0JueGZhbmpIZ21IQT09
- Meeting ID: 850 7568 2967
- Passcode: 890562
- Call-in: 301-715-8592 | On Phone: STAR-9 to raise hand; STAR-6 to unmute
- Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/506iD4d4Xl4
THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO JOIN AND ASK QUESTIONS AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK. Monica Jahan Bose would like to design the project with the feedback of the community. The project is contingent on receiving grant funding from DCCAH. Contact: monicajahanbose@gmail.com storytellingwithsaris.com @storywithsari