Climate Hope film
We are thrilled to share the film “Climate Hope,” a collaboration with the Arlington Art Truck to engage with approximately 1000 people in Arlington, Virginia over a two-month period. Participants discussed climate change and wrote and illustrated climate pledges and six-word poems on saris from Bangladesh. In the culminating event, the community sewed the saris together into a massive artwork, joining a performance and procession through the streets. The saris were printed with climate-themed woodblocks by women farmers from Bose’s ancestral village as well as children from Barcroft Elementary School in Arlington. Climate Hope is part of Bose’s ongoing Storytelling with Saris climate justice project, which started in 2012. Funded and presented by: Arlington Arts. Curated by: Cynthia Connolly. Photography and editing by: Maps Glover. Music by: Sonia Herrero.
#arttruckarlington #arlingtonarttruck #arlingtonarts#arlingtonva #freeevents #freeartproject #sociallyengagedart
#storytellingwithsaris #climatechange #climatehope #climateartaction #performanceart #ecofeminist #socialpractice #climatejustice #healingart #arlingtonarts #arttruckarlington