Shima was born in Modhukhali Village, Barobaishdia Island (a few miles from Katakhali) in approximately 1988. Her mother died at childbirth (giving birth to her first child) and her father disappeared afterwards. Shima was raised by her maternal grandparents, who are now deceased. Her grandparents sent her to school and she was able to study until grade 6. She was married at age 14 to Mamun Kha and came to live in Katakhali. She has two children: Zidan (boy, born 2006) and Bristi (girl, born 2012).
Shima took shelter in the Health Center during SIDR and AILA. Her house was damaged by SIDR and she was given money for repairs. She has been involved with the cooperative for several years, taking literacy classes, learning fish and crab cultivation, block printing classes, and making the “monokka” snacks for sale. Her reading and writing have improved a lot after coming to the literacy classes. She is very happy that she can tutor her son. She has also tutored other children for money. She feels really proud of her literacy. She is also a farmer and grows red spinach, lentils, peanuts, chillies, and papayas. Her husband does farming and fishing for others and is also a member of the cooperative. He cooked for the family on the days when Shima was busy with Storytelling with Saris. Shima’s mother-in-law Shahinoor is also a member of the cooperative and received a home from Samhati after SIDR. In late 2017, Shima and her family moved to the edge of the Darchira River because land is cheaper there. They report being fearful of being so close to the water.